- Web Redesign
- Web Development
- Web Management
- Google Business Management
- Marketing
Mr Electronic Cy LTD, is one of the leading Retail and Wholesale suppliers, of electronics, Phone accessories and parts, in Nicosia (from 2017). In the physical store, they also offer phone repair services. The ecommerce site of the business, containing more than 4500 products, was the main focus of the project, along with the google business account.
From the beginning of the project, we identified the bellow problems of the website:
- 100% wholesale oriented
- No clear product categorization
- No filtering feature
- No mobile friendly
- No clear calls to action
- No modern design and no user friendly
In order to solve the problems above and create a conversion oriented ecommerce site, we created a different homepage interface for the wholesale users and a simple and clear homepage for the retail users. Also, restructured the product categories and added a filtering feature and in general, redesigned all the pages, to match the brand identity and color palette.
Lastly, we added countless features in the back end, to assist in the management of the website and save time to the client.
In this project, special care needed to be taken, in order for the website, to be fully functional, for the many wholesale users, that used the site daily.